Okay, for my visual peeps out there – I’m going to start summarizing some of my weekly videos each month, along with the BIG ‘tiny’ goal update. Keeping you in the loop in case you missed a video, or *gasp* aren’t on Instagram.
First up – a quick recap of how March stacked up, and what the goal was for April.
Next up, Sunday videos!
These are eclectic, what’s on my mind around money – or questions that have been asked of me recently. Usually 5 minutes or less of Sunday Fun Day thoughts and perspective around budgeting and more.
You’ll notice that I’m missing a week in there. My bad! I did an Instagram Live video and gave you a quick tour of our campsite (where that little tiny home will go) but didn’t realize I couldn’t save it!? Fail! I’ll be sure to include it for you again soon.
Lastly, the BIG ‘tiny’ goal update for April, and heading in to May!
It’s a big one! I’m not going to spoil it for you….you’re going to have to watch.

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