April BIG ‘tiny’ Goal Update

Okay, for my visual peeps out there – I’m going to start summarizing some of my weekly videos each month, along with the BIG ‘tiny’ goal update. Keeping you in the loop in case you missed a video, or *gasp* aren’t on Instagram.

First up – a quick recap of how March stacked up, and what the goal was for April.

How did March’s goal go? What’s the plan for April?

Next up, Sunday videos!

These are eclectic, what’s on my mind around money – or questions that have been asked of me recently. Usually 5 minutes or less of Sunday Fun Day thoughts and perspective around budgeting and more.

You’ll notice that I’m missing a week in there. My bad! I did an Instagram Live video and gave you a quick tour of our campsite (where that little tiny home will go) but didn’t realize I couldn’t save it!? Fail! I’ll be sure to include it for you again soon.

4/5/20 Sunday Q&A: Budgeting During A Crisis
4/12/20 Easter Sunday Thoughts: Hope trumps fear.
4/26/20: Sunday Thoughts: Changing and Flexing – life and budgeting.

Lastly, the BIG ‘tiny’ goal update for April, and heading in to May!

It’s a big one! I’m not going to spoil it for you….you’re going to have to watch.

5/5/20 How did April go? What’s the plan for May?
Sarah is a Ramsey Preferred Coach
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