
Mom Mode

It’s September. Let’s turn mom mode on! The kids are back to school. Autumn is in the air, and the craving of routine is fierce in my household – at least for this working Momma.  Over the last year or so probably, I’ve developed a frequently used weekly prep routine that makes my life better/easier/less […]

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I don’t know about you, but self-care used to be a foreign concept to me. Was it a pedicure? Was it positive self-talk? Meditation? Alone time? I’ve learned that self-care is a lot of things, and above all – for me it has become an absolute necessity in order to function well, and take care

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Leaving a legacy seems a daunting task. How do I live a life full enough and impactful enough to be remembered fondly? That is the goal I imagine; to leave others with memories that are by and large positive ones.  I’ve been contemplating this idea of legacy lately. A relative of mine recently passed away

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My Why

My why… and why? Well, why not? I always thought that I would live out my career in a large organization, nonprofit ideally, healthcare likely with good benefits, a steady income and certainty on my side.  See, James is the artistic one in our partnership. He’s the all-natural entrepreneur and creative asset to many. He

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