Each morning I’ve been rising before dawn to get to work on building a business, and making my dreams come true. I have those mini-me cuties that make up My Why, and I have this crazy idea that takes me on a long-term sabbatical from my 9-5. Motivation is plenty! I dream big.
But I’m not the only one with dreams, now am I?

I’ll let you in on one of my early morning ‘coffee cuddles’ with our youngest, Harper. She is the one child that requires slightly less sleep than the other – she falls asleep last, and she wakes up first. It has been our special routine over the past few months that when she wakes up early before her alarm, she putters down to the family room, where I’m often working away and having a cup of coffee post work-out and we sit on the couch together and cuddle. We both look forward to it – at night as I’m tucking her into bed she’ll say, “tomorrow morning, coffee cuddles?” Like we’re setting ourselves a date. Sometimes during our coffee cuddles she falls back asleep on the couch, other times she cuddles me up for a few minutes and then heads upstairs to give her Daddy some loves.
Most recently, she told me about her dreams…
She had a scary dream that night, and told me the parts that she could remember – and just like in my ‘grown up’ dreams there were familiar faces and places, but they were out of whack and unorganized. Then she said that right after that she had a good dream…and she couldn’t remember what it was – but she knew it was good because when she woke up, she wanted to close her eyes and go right back to it….and she fluttered her little eyelashes and pretended to go back to sleep; in love with what the dream weaver had delivered for her. Sounds magical, doesn’t it? What makes up a nearly 7-year old’s best dreams I wonder? Unicorns? Mermaids? Candy Land? I’ll never know…

What are yours?
We have big dreams too, don’t we? You know most of mine now. Have you thought about them lately? What’s your end goal? What’s your earthly motivation? Have you allowed yourself to dream big in between the long work days, kids sports practices, and daily household chores?
I’ve been surprised at the number of people that think my dreams are crazy. I mean, not totally surprised – but a little shocked. Not so much the idea of moving to an island and enjoying the R&R. People tend to ‘get’ that. But the fact that we actually COULD do it right now, is blowing minds. Our financial situation doesn’t make us wealthy by any means – individually, we don’t have 6 figure incomes, we don’t have big assets or investments, and we’re not super special (although our mothers may disagree). We’ve done a good job managing our finances after getting back to the basics after a lesson or two, and we’ve been intentional with our money ever since – so that we can accomplish the other goals that we have in life.
Dream big and others
This newfound awareness that there are people out there that could use a friend to help guide them to their goals; has sparked a fire in my soul! I have a burning desire to help others see their dreams into reality. Big dreams, crazy ideas, whatever you want to call it – they aren’t just for me. They’re for you, too. I’m going to go ALL IN and set myself up to be a kick ass financial coach so that I can help others reach their dreams.
So, start dreaming…where do you want to be? What do you want to do? Is your financial situation helping or hindering you?

“Help is on the way Dear!” (said in my best Mrs. Doubtfire voice)
Yes, I’ve had too much time on the couch, in front of the TV this week…
Thank you for joining me on my journey to influence.