I can recall countless stories of my childhood that I know without a shadow of a doubt that my peers cannot relate to. Small town stories are one thing, but farm stories are a whole other ball game.
Like the time that my sisters and I rode in a half barrel used to feed animals. It was pulled by a rope on the back of a snowmobile to catch the bus. You can’t make this stuff up people.
Or the time that I was up in the middle of the night. I was with my parents holding a tarp over a break in our pond. It was to try to keep the water in as my Dad was trying to dam it up. Oh, did I mention it was very cold, dark and raining and there was likely only one flashlight between us?
Have you ever chased a cow? Or had a cow chase you? Or ran so fast at just the right angle to keep the cow from getting through that hole in the fence that was supposed to be fixed last Spring? All while being ‘encouraged’ in a loud voice not to let the cow get out?
How about the one time that I was participating in a family work day helping to build the log house and my Dad accidently dropped a staple gun from the scaffolding above me onto my back? Everyday was a family workday during the summer when we were out of school and each weekend as long as I can remember throughout middle school and high school. I was more than excited about getting my own paying job that took me away from pink itchy insulation, sawdust in my shoes, and dust – everywhere. Oh, you don’t have a story like that from childhood? These are the stories of my youth
I am a farmer’s daughter.
And while I’m wholeheartedly happy with my grown-up choice to live in the suburbs of Portland and be within walking distance to all of my favorite things, with the only animals under my umbrella of responsibility being a beta fish named Ernie and a Russian tortoise named Herbie…
I will always be a country girl at heart.
I like visiting my family on the farm. The porch swing was a summer time evening activity. Iced tea iwas far sweeter with the kiss of the sun and a heap full of sugar. We always find my dad at the barn, or reading the Capital Press. Where my Mom is often at my Dad’s side and life slows down just a bit. But only a bit. The work of a farmer is never done. There are approximately two weeks each year that my Dad has “off” of work; before haying season and after. These are the weeks in the year that we may plan a family vacation or perhaps a wedding.
The family relied on to me to help out a lot around the farm as I was the eldest daughter in our family of all girls. Farm life instilled grit, determination, and a strong work ethic into my core. I was grateful that my baby brother came into the picture a short 14 years after I did, with an inherent desire to continue the family legacy of ranching with my Dad.
What does this have to do with financial coaching!?
Not much, really. Just a little backstory and insight. My ability to guide and coach comes from years of being guided and coached (not always willingly) by my parents and my tenacious and determined nature, instilled from my youth, to see that my clients are successful with their goals.
- I’m willing to ride in the back of an animal trough. I was determined to get to school after being snowbound for days; you’ve got big dreams? We’ll see them through to the other side.
- I’m willing to hold the flashlight in the rain with one hand while holding the tarp in another to get to the goal with you.
- I’m willing to help out with tasks big and small. No pain – no gain (and only a small scar) to see a larger mission accomplished.
- I’m willing to chase down the barriers and fears that get in the way of your financial goals. And, keep them from getting through that hole in the fence with compassionate accountability.
Earlier this year, Klickitat County awarded my Dad and brother the ‘Cattleman of the Year’. Not a title that they were after, but one that they will humbly accept with a speech and all ….just as soon as we can all be in a large room together with strangers.
I’m proud to be a farmer’s daughter.
Now, tell me…
- How did your childhood shape you?
- What characteristics did your parents pass on to you?
- Can you top that snowmobile story? ?
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