Get To Know Our Coaches

As long as I can remember I’ve been a goal getter, and truly believe that a well made plan can get you to goal. When debt freedom became a goal of ours – there wasn’t anything that was going to stop me from turning that plan into a reality, and 18 months and $450k later it happened. The math was the easy part and the revised habits were the plans in action.
Entrepreneurship was a foreign idea to me for so long having worked very traditionally in healthcare for 20 years – but when I realized that the departments and teams that I was leading were really just small businesses in themselves, I saw a new challenge and opportunity to execute a plan.
I love seeing others win. Whether it’s my husband in his business, my oldest on the volleyball court, or my youngest with a computer game – the satisfaction of someone else hitting a goal is contagious, even to the bystander or the coach.
So, I’m in the business of helping others achieve their goals, and by proxy, I notch wins under my belt right along with you.
Thank you for joining me on my journey to influence.

We may sometimes find it difficult to truly enjoy life without being able to liberally spend – how can we be happy with strict limitations on shopping, entertainment, eating out, or travel? The truth is, life’s luxuries can still be enjoyed without also feeling financially defeated. There’s a balance that we’re all capable of discovering.
My financial journey began when I moved to Colorado several years ago. I love outdoor activities and realized that I was able to find fulfillment in both my active and social life as well as my financial health. I found my balance, and I would love to help you find yours.
I recognize there’s not a one size fits all solution to achieving financial freedom. Through a combination of self exploration, debt management, and budgeting strategy and forecasting, I’m excited to work with you on your journey towards financial empowerment.

My journey with money began when I was around 6 years old and I wanted to buy a rainbow print umbrella that was displayed in the window of a local store. For the next few weeks, and with the encouragement of my mom, I saved my allowance until finally the day came that I had enough money to buy my prized umbrella. The feeling of walking into that store and making my first purchase, with money I had earned, was empowering for my little mind and a core memory that shaped my early childhood.
Frugality was a value I was raised with, but as many of us know, financial health is a fine balance. While I knew I wanted to be debt free, I did not really understand how to be in control of my money and, by the time I turned 33, I came to terms with the financial hole I had dug for myself. It was at this point that I decided to seek some professional coaching. Enter Sarah with Journey to Influence, and I learned that discipline is only one tenet of financial freedom. Realizing the “why” behind my finances helped to shift my understanding of money, which enabled me to set more effective and lasting financial goals.
This journey to influence has shown me the possibilities that are unlocked when one is in control of their finances, and it is an honor to work alongside others to help them achieve their goals.

Whether we like it or not finances shape our lives for better or worse. It is a reality we all face. However, I believe finances should never have total control of our lives. When we have the right set of tools and are willing to evaluate our habits, we can all live a life of financial freedom, no matter how much or how little we make.
Financial stability has been important to me since my early adulthood, for many reasons. When I got married and became a mom, my desire to have financial stability only grew. However, I wasn’t raised with a skill set that set me up for success in this area, nor did my husband. We shared the value of managing our money well but didn’t always know how to practically make that happen.
I started to seek out tools to help me reach our goal of financial stability. After taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class in 2020, we became debt-free and started making changes to our money habits. We were starting to feel like we controlled the money, instead of the other way around.
In 2021, we uprooted our family of 5 across the state of Oregon, cut my husband’s income in half, and I took on the role of full time stay at home mom. Needless to say, money got tight. I wasn’t going to let that stop us though from reaching our financial goals and living a life that felt meaningful to us. I leaned into the skills I had learned through Financial Peace University, and I reached out to Sarah for additional support and tools. With the tools my husband and I have gained over the last few years we have remained in control of our money. It takes being intentional, it takes planning, and at times it takes sacrifice, but we get to live a life that we choose, not one dictated by the perpetual game of playing financial catch up.
I decided to become a Dave Ramsey certified financial coach in the hopes of helping others reach their financial goals. Whether you are a single-income family, a couple struggling to make ends meet, or an individual ready to take back control of their finances, I would love to partner with you on this journey to financial freedom.