Do you consider yourself a #goalgetter? Maybe a goal chaser? Or perhaps a girl with a goal? Lots of good hashtags in there!
Tell me….what do you want?
No, really – what are you chasing? Is it a lifetime of love and happiness? Sure – I think that we’re all after some level of contentment and peace. I hope you find it; although the big lifelong fulfillment will not be answered in the content of this blog.
Let me be more specific. What do you want to do with your money?
Do you want to stop letting the end of the month surprise you a little bit? You knew you spent some money, but was it really that much?!
- Do you want to buy some peace of mind knowing that you have enough money in the bank to cover you in case of an emergency; either large or small? *cough* Covid Crisis
- Do you want to be reassured that you could do it on your own if you needed to?
- Do you want to have a great foundation for your kids to go off to college without carrying around loads of student load debt into their thirties?
- Do you want to know that you can cover all of your expenses AND make progress towards a larger goal each month?
- Do you want to answer phone calls when they come in instead of being afraid that it may be a collector on the other end of the line? Who am I kidding? We don’t answer calls unless they’re in our contact list, and that’s still a maybe. ?
Okay – that’s more specific, thank you! Now, tell me why.
Why do you want those things for yourself? Not, just because it’s a “good” answer or what I might want to hear – but what’s your why – behind the why….
How is it going to make you feel?
- At peace.
- Comfortable.
- Relaxed.
- Less stressed.
- Free.
You guys, I’m a goal getter through and through. I love the challenge of tackling new projects, new tasks, new teams and new initiatives. The ‘newness’ and clean slate of something inspires me and gives me a push to start and finish strong.
But when I uncover the why…behind the why, I get to a whole new level of intention.
You may recall My Why for wanting to pick up and move to Mexico for a year or so. That why remains strong, and whether it ends up being a move to Isla Mujeres in the Fall of 2021 (goal date!) or not – my why, behind the why is the gift of time I can give to my family (our daughters especially) but also to myself. Breaking away from the 9-5 to fulfill a higher purpose of parenting when my kids during those impressionable years when they’ll start to not necessarily want me around as often…but Lord knows that’s when they’re going to need their Momma more – those teenage girl years. Yikes!
Let me tell you more about my why with financial coaching.
A lot of people having stress around their money – could be debt, or lack of savings, or a desire to reach a certain point of wealth by a certain age.
“I help people stress less about their personal finances by making a plan for their money, called a budget – and then provide encouraging accountability until they can go it alone.”
– Sarah VanHoose, Journey to Influence
When you make a plan for your money, i.e. a budget, and have a few tools to help master that plan; you gain peace, hope, comfort, and feel less stressed.
Being able to guide people to that point is pure gold. I feel like I just paid of X dollars in debt, or put Y dollars into my emergency savings, or put my own kids through college – right along with them. There is purpose in this work that is more fulfilling than I could ever imagine.
Watching people change their future, right before my eyes…
I’ve seen emails come across my inbox that I can actually feel the desperation in; right through the comment box. I’ve seen curious inquiries come through my DMs that I can sense the hesitation, yet hope of getting a handle on all things money. I have been on the phone with clients that aren’t sure where to start, but know that starting something is better than staying where they’re at now.
We start with talking about goals. What do you want to do with your money? When do you want to do it by? And WHY do you want to chase down this goal? Go ahead and insert your obvious answer, then think about the why, behind the why.

To help you think about your goals and get them written down in goal setting format, I have a free resource for you. Goal setting shouldn’t be saved only for the beginning of a new year. It’s for the times that you sense within yourself a need for a change. Maybe this is one of those times that you want to set a new goal. Go for it! I’m such an admirer or you goal getters out there – you inspire me to keep chasing my own goals, both big and small.
Thank you for joining me on my my journey to influence.
P.S. It’s not too late to sign up for the quarterly Financial Wellness Workshop. Drop your name and email here and I’ll get the dates to you to reserve your free spot for a check in on your financial wellness with some quick wins and tips.