It’s my birthday today. I’m not a big birthday celebrator, especially since giving birth to my own human beings. Those are the real dates that I should be showered with gifts, am I right!? Today, I thank my mother for bringing a Sarah VanHoose into this world!
Well, in honor of my 39th birthday – can I do that – make something in my own honor? I wanted to share with you a little more about me. 39 things in fact. Behind the scenes insight into what makes up my journey.
Here goes…

- I have an amazing husband. Hands down – he loves me. Big time. I’m a lucky girl.
- I’m a good Mom. Not the best Mom, but far from the worst. I’d say a B+.
- I have two smart and beautiful daughters. Double trouble! They’re getting all responsible right before my eyes, and have fun personalities and great senses of humor. Gushing.
- I grew up on a farm. I can drive a tractor, run in muck boots, and call up cows.
- I’m really close to my mom and sisters. It’s sickeningly special, really. They’re my faves.
- I make damn good cinnamon rolls. Y’all know now that I can’t cook – but these rolls, I’ve got that recipe down.
- I still don’t know how to French braid. I really should give it another try…maybe by the time I’m 40.
- My first job was making tacos on Taco Tuesday at the Country Café in my hometown when I was 15. I later became a waitress during high school and a cook one summer in college. Oh, the irony. See number six.
- I have never been without a job. Like, ever. Since those taco Tuesdays I’ve always had a paying gig. Geez, I’m tired all of a sudden.
- I’m not a good driver. Wait, let me explain – I’m not a good city driver. But, because of number four – I think that I would be a darn good rally car driver. I can take bends and twists at lightening speed to make a curfew.
There goes my top 10! Here’s more…
- I like to take naps in the car. Maybe that explains number ten a bit better. Freeway driving makes me sleepy. My husband has taken COUNTLESS photos of my chins while I was sleeping in the car.
- I love adventures. Love seeing new things, experiencing new places, and making memories. This is why calendar adventures are so important to us.
- I think that teachers are incredible. Keeping 20+ little rug rats in line for six hours is my biggest nightmare, and they make it look so easy. We all know it’s gotta be a tough gig.
- I think Papa Murphy’s cowboy pizza is the best. I don’t know if it’s nostalgic, I grew up eating it as Papa Aldos’ – remember that? But I prefer the take and bake, love at 425 degrees any day.
- I tend to order the same item when returning to a restaurant. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it right? I order the same Hazelnut Crusted Chicken Salad from one of our favorite local restaurants, every time. Every. Single. Time.
- I love camping. Now, I didn’t think I would initially. Sleeping in the woods – walking to use the bathroom? But, getting out of town for the weekend with my family? Enjoy some peace and quiet? TOTALLY my jam.
- I’m a goal getter. Challenge. Accepted. I love tackling goals, crossing things off of a list and growing.
- I moved out of my parent’s home when I was 17. I had a rough few years gettin’ grown up. And I believe I’m stronger because of it.
- I love being a leader. Not only do I posses a bit of a strong personality, but I adore seeing others be successful and having a small hand in it.
- One of my all-time favorite foods is pub nachos. With all the fixings. All bets are off when there are corn tortilla chips, beef, jalapenos and sour cream calling my name.
And I am on to my next 10!
- I wear glasses. And contacts. I can’t see much of anything but the fuzzy shape of the chair when I get up in the morning. Maybe I should get laser eye surgery before I have to double up with readers before too long.
- I’ve worked for the same employer for almost 19 years. Whoa. Nearly two decades working for Providence. It has been a real blessing and fulfilling part of my journey.
- I heart group fitness. I work way harder next to someone than I ever will in my own living room.
- I prefer hot tubs to swimming pools. Swimming pools are for kids. Hot tubs are for Moms.
- I take an anniversary vacation with my husband yearly. So important for our marriage, and our sense of adventure. We love traveling together. It’s awesome to not be parents one week a year.
- I like to watch a grown-up TV series with husband after the kids go to bed. We watch an episode a night for weeks and months going through a series.
- I’m not a big sports fan. Eh. I’ll watch but I don’t know the players and I only sort of know the game. If my hubby was more of one, I’m sure I would have acclimated, but he isn’t – so, I never flexed that muscle much.
- I’ve seen the northern lights in Iceland. Bucket list item crossed off. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
- I like giving back to my community. No, I love it. Whether it’s time or money, or sometimes both I love being a part of something bigger than myself for something better.
- I love Jesus. I believe that I was put on this Earth with a purpose, and that He’s part of it all.
Here’s the last 9 on my list…
- I have a nasty scar on my left knee. Barbwire. Yep, see number four. Taking a short cut, over the fence to feed the pigs. Should have gotten stitches, but my Mom gave me 6 Band-Aids instead. Character building. I have proof.
- I was a former athlete. We’re all athletes in high school, aren’t we? Track star! I had a knack for the 100-meter hurdles. Quick race, with obstacles that everyone else was too scared to try. On it!
- I’m 5’5” tall, and I weigh…you didn’t think I was going to share my weight, did you? I weigh healthy and strong. That’s all you need to know.
- I work hard. We can likely point this back to number four too. So many farm memories in my story vault. Working hard was a part of my upbringing, and it’s not something you can really put away after that.
- I love the life that we’ve built. It warms my heart to see our girls living and loving life as we know it. High five honey, we’re doing something good over here.
- I am a financial coach. This one is new and exciting and I’m loving it. Helping others with their financial journey fits all of my checkmarks of making a difference in this world while making a living.
- I want to move to Mexico with my family for a couple of years. Duh! You knew the founding story of this journey, right?
- I’m healthy, and I know it. Sexy, not so much. I am awkward in heels and pouty lips just make me look injured. But healthy, I’m owning that.
- I’m on a journey to influence. You. Me. My family. The world? Influencing others to take on big goals and live their best lives.
There you have it!

39 fun-ish facts that make me, me on this last birthday of my thirties. Have a drink for me, or maybe something chocolate.
The fact that you tag along with me week after week is pretty special to me.
Some of you trust me to take you along financial coaching journeys too, and it really is a gift to me to be of service to you.

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