I have some exciting news to share, and something I’m proud of.
I was on my first podcast episode recently!
Can I be completely honest with you? I was sweating in all the places getting ready for my first ever podcast recording. Let me tell you all about it (it has to do with your personal financial wellness relating to your overall health), and link you up to hear the episode yourself.
Ali was a very gracious host, an absolute professional, and super easy to talk to, thank goodness! Ali focuses on women’s overall wellness and practices as an acupuncturist in Denver, CO. She’s on a mission to, and I quote “to educate women about the importance of health and teach them how to be healthy.” Isn’t that awesome?! Women supporting women – it’s my favorite. Check out Ali’s site here. Outside of the professional connection, I started following Ali’s podcast personally too. She’s tapping into hormone imbalances, sleep issues, heavy periods, and more. She’s so easy to talk to – it felt like we’ve been friends for ages. Here is the full line up of episodes.

I connected with Ali to talk about the importance of personal finance being connected to our overall health and wellness.
You see the connection like I do, right!?
Stressing about our money can impact other elements of our health.
To listen to that episode click this link.
Here were the points that Ali and I covered in our talk together – no for real, these are the notes I had in front of me as we were chatting!
Connecting personal financial health to overall health is so important, especially right now.
It’s safe to say we are all dealing with COVID-19 in some capacity, and I want to share some examples of what I mean.
- Working from home? Home schooling?
- Record breaking unemployment.
- Small Business is being impacted.
- Entrepreneurs are being impacted.
- Traditional workers that are having hours cut.
3 Groups of workers have been impacted.
- Unemployment/Significant Loss. They are hustling, trimming expenses, and protecting the 4 walls (Food/Utilities/House/Transportation).
- Still employed/may have some loss. They are trimming expenses, saving any extra they can, and not worrying about paying any extra on their debts right now.
- Gainfully employed/no loss. They’re able to carry on like nothing has changed and spend money normally. However, they can choose to support small businesses, tip extra, and be generous.
Even without this crisis, the average American’s personal financial wellness is not in ideal shape.

78% are living paycheck to paycheck.
66% would struggle to pay for a $1,000 emergency.
7 out of 10 Americans (especially couples) don’t budget.
Americans on average, are drowning in debt.
Why is this important?
Money stuff impacts our overall wellness. (even without your kids and spouse at home).
- Financial (bank account), Spiritual (moral implications), Relational (money problems are the leading cause of divorce), Emotional (stress!)
- Changes your family tree.
- We weren’t taught how to properly handle money growing up.
Dave Ramsey money philosophy, and the baby steps.
Our journey to financial peace and how I became a personal finance coach.
Offer listeners the FREE 5 Step Plan to THRIVE with your finances; text the word THRIVE to 33777.
Okay, so now you have the full scoop from my notes (not necessarily in the order that I shared them…but you get the idea), and a link to the podcast too! It was truly a fun experience and a great privilege to share about money stuff and my love for personal finance wellness with Ali’s audience. Of course, I love sharing with you too!
P.S. You can text THRIVE to 33777 to get that free download too, or you can you click this link to skip right to it.

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