Isla is now a regular topic of conversation in our house as I’m more than waist deep in this blogging adventure, and ideally about two years out from a departure date. (Check out the original crazy idea blog that started this blog here.) I mentioned in passing to my husband something about transportation; and he said, “Sarah, you’re going to have to give up many of your first world luxuries if we move to Mexico.” then, I was like… “I drive a Kia, not a Mercedes. What are you talking about?” So this is going to be all about planes and trains and automobiles!
In my mind, which apparently was not on the same wave length as his… We’d sell my very practical 2014 Kia Optima (it’s been great really; I have no complaints.) Take that cash, and buy a little car in Mexico when we arrived. We’d store James’ babies, the 2013 Chevy Camaro and 2012 Toyota Tacoma.

The plan.
He however, had an alternate plan. We’d sell my car AND his truck (he’d rather have more cash on hand if a self-employed venture of mine isn’t fruitful) and of course, still store our third child, the Camaro. And then…on the island; not have a car.
Okay, on the island nobody needs a car. I’m totally cool with that. Isla is 5 miles long; we can totally walk around – I have to get my steps in anyway. Or bike, I love biking – and can see this as my main mode of transportation.

Or as many of the tourists do, golf cart our lazy butts around – also something I can get behind. But what about when we want to go into Cancun and see a movie, or shop at a larger store…or play tourist and visit ancient ruins at Chichen Itza, or a water park like, xCaret – these are much longer adventures that a golf cart would just not be cut out for.
Our planes and trains…
Of course, public transportation! I can live on the wild side. At home, I enjoy – no truly, actually enjoying taking the public transit train (MAX) into work a couple of times a week; it makes my commute about 10-15 minutes longer; but there are so many benefits!
- I don’t have to drive; I’m not that great anyway – I have a handful of fender benders to my credit.
- 20 minutes to myself, each way! Nobody calling my name, judging my phone scrolling, asking what I’m reading or listening to – peace and quiet.
- Mandatory get-your-steps-in 7-minute walk to the station to and from the office.
- It’s free for me (my employer provides an annual pass) and inexpensive otherwise; and less gas to purchase to boot, not to mention better for the environment.

Okay, in Mexico – I don’t know that I’ve seen any commuter trains in Cancun, but buses are a staple. We can take the bus! With shopping bags full of treasures for each member of the family. Oy vey. Or whatever the Spanish translation of that is… I truly hadn’t considered this option. I thought for sure the husband would want his own set of wheels in our possession. I’m beginning to embrace that not all of this adventure is going to go exactly how I’ve seen it in my mind – and perhaps that will be part of the journey after all.
Transportation research, check!
Thank you for joining me on my journey to influence.