I’m sure that you’ve heard it said a number of times – take vacations. Get some R&R. You need to recharge. Take time for self-care. You need to have some downtime. Date your spouse.
This post will be no exception; I’m going to preach it to you too!
We work so hard these days, am I right?! Managing our homes, getting kids out the door on time, food on the table, a trip to the gym in, oh… and there’s 8-9 hours of work that happens in between there too. It’s a busy freaking life. Can I get an amen!
We go so hot, so hard, and for so long sometimes – that we are liable to burn ourselves out. And not just to the point that we need a nap, but to the point that it can make us sick. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Vacation Time.
So, I want to encourage you to pencil in some vacation time. This is on top of that already prescribed self-care routine. I’m talking, get out of dodge – somebody else makes the bed and your breakfast – vacation time. AND dare I say, that at least one of your vacations each year should be…. wait for it…without your kids. Because that’s not a real vacation folks – that’s a trip, with your kids.
One of my favorite traditions that James and I do as a couple is taken an anniversary trip each year. We’ve missed just a couple; the year we bought our first house together and the year that I was 9 months pregnant – enough said. We love adventuring to new places, and experiencing new things together – it gives us something to not only look forward to together, but something to talk about that’s special just for us. And after almost 12 years of marriage, we need some time together. Alone. My husband has joked that if we didn’t take these annual trips, we may not still be married. I think it may be one of those jokes that has some partial truths. Having a young family can take a toll on your relationship. You already knew that though – preaching to the choir.
If an annual sans children vaca isn’t already baked into your regular routine, I’m guessing that these are your top three excuses.
- But I can’t leave my kids for that long.
Yes, you can. Our kids have survived every single trip we’ve taken without them. Their grandparents are more than happy to watch them. You can find someone that wants to hang with your kids for a week – your kids are cool too.
2. Not sure I can take the time off of work.
Yes, you can. Figure it out. Save up your vacation time. All of that work WILL be waiting for you on the other side.
3. I can’t afford it.
Yes, you can. Plan for it. Save for it. Make it a three-day vaca, four towns away. It doesn’t have to break the bank. And it doesn’t have to be tomorrow.
How long has it been since you took a good vacation? Has it been too long?
What about my friends that ARE making a good habit of vacation time – saving your life, am I right? ?
In honor of our almost 12-year anniversary, and my long-time bucket list item of seeing the northern lights; James and I are headed out for New York (the place we got engaged) and Iceland for the next 10 days! Check out that big ‘will you marry me’ moment caught on video long before we had smart phones! Plenty of photo ops of our vaca to follow on social media; make sure you like/follow/whatever to catch the fun.
Have I convinced you? Are you ready to hop over to Expedia and text your spouse about what’s been on their bucket list? Have I told you about my favorite little island in Mexico… ?
Thank you for joining me on my journey to influence.