Let’s talk about setting goals.
I know, I know – you’ve got goals hitting you from all corners right now. It’s that time of the year-specifically, where new year’s resolutions are at the forefront. For example, the organic produce will be a hot commodity and the gyms will be full (for about 30ish days probably).
Today, I’d like to get a little deeper with setting goals with you, and not about your produce choices or cardio minutes. Obviously, health goals are very important (they’re also on my list), but I’d argue that there is a more robust list out there for you that includes goals for your life in several areas.

Goal Categories & Goal Inspiration
First, I want to give you some examples you may consider setting (or have thought about setting) when it comes your goals.
- Health – Stress reduction, energy levels, quality sleep, cardiovascular health, proper nutrition, and yes, losing some of the squishy stuff.
- Relationships – More date nights, less arguing, consistent family dinners, monthly Calendar Adventures, deeper friendships, and regular visits to see your extended family.
- Finances – Debt be gone, savings increased, net worth growth, starting a budget, staying on target, funding kids college, or doubling your retirement contributions – just to name a few.
- Personal Development – Spiritual growth, self reflection, learning new skills, teaching classes, phone break ups, and book reading – oh my.
- Professional – Double your client load, change your career, get on track for a promotion, hire support, increase profits, or put yourself out there in guest articles and podcasts.
- Other – You name it. There may be other goals that you have for your life that don’t fit into a traditional box. If you can dream it, you can do it.
Ready to start planning for your goals? I have a free download, just for you.
2020 was the year that I launched my coaching business, and also put our family’s big financial goal out there in public to demonstrate goal chasing front and center. I also gave you monthly updates on our progress. Before I give you the final results of that goal though, I want to introduce you to this year’s goal.
This one is a professional goal, but certainly impacts my family/relationships and finances, as well as personal development.
Ready for it?
I’m going all in this year and building my coaching business by doubling my client load to 20 active clients by 7/1/21. Steps that will help me achieve this goal include launching a group coaching program, creating 10 more referral partners, and giving my current clients exceptional service. I’ll celebrate by transitioning out of my full time job within healthcare.
Yep, you read that right. No more M-F, 9-5.
After 20 years working for a large healthcare organization, I’m ready to hang up my hat with my traditional gig working in leadership to go all in coaching others to achieve their money goals.
Without a doubt, coaching clients combines my favorite things about leadership; inspiring others, strategizing, finding efficiencies, and overall helping people achieve more. When it comes to personal finances, the impact on people’s lives is, well, profound.
OMG. Saying it out loud, and typing it for the world to see makes it real.
- I’ll admit, it’s a big goal.
- It’s a little scary.
- Hell, it’s a lot scary.
- It’ll all on me.
Undeniably, working for a large company has given our family loads of security, benefit packages, a healthy salary and so much more. Surprisingly, my entire career has been with one organization – definitely a rarity these days! The professional development and growth I’ve had has been incredible. The people I’ve worked with have been incredible.
Now, it’s time for something different.
While I’m so grateful, but over the last couple of year’s I’ve wanted more.
- More time with my family.
- More flexibility for mid-day activities, or…maybe no activity at all.
- More availability to be present for my girls.
- More opportunity to serve people in a life changing and purposeful way.
If you’re been on this journey with me long enough you may recall the OG goal.
Specifically, it was the crazy idea that started my blogging in the first place back in July of 2019. I wanted to move to this little island in Mexico for a few years with my fam. My why for doing this was to spend more time with my growing girls especially. As they quickly approach their pre-teen years (and soon hit those high and low emotional teen years), I want to be there. Not just physically, but really present with them to do a kick ass job as their Mom.
Unfortunately, we’re not moving to Mexico for a few years-at least not yet. However, my husband has agreed to doing extended vacations-starting with 2 months at a time. I’ll take it! It’s a good start.
Now that you know more of my story (and my big goal), let’s break down my goal further. This should give you some questions to ask yourself as you begin creating goals for yourself too.
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound
‘SMART’ is the ultimate goal setting standard for checking to see if your goal is indeed…smart.
Question 1 – Specific
Is it specific enough?
Does it have enough detail and specificity to know if you meet it or not?
Sarah’s Double Down Goal: As I reread my goal statement, it feels pretty darn specific. ✔
Question 2 – Measurable
Will I be able to measure it as I move forward? Can you count the numbers or values as they grow?
Sarah’s Double Down Goal: Doubling my client load means 10 more active clients, adding 10 more referral partners, and providing exceptional service. The first two are very measurable, and the service component – measured through a client survey. ✔
Question 3 – Attainable
Can it be done? Is it a reasonable stretch?
Of course, you don’t want to toss goals out there that make life painful on the way to achievement.
Sarah’s Double Down Goal: Time management will be KEY in this goal being attainable, I currently coach on Sunday afternoons and Thursday evenings with a few exceptions. I’m reasonably able to accommodate 5 client sessions per week x 4 weeks per month = 20 client load. ✔
So, why the 20? It doubles my income (proof of concept for quitting the 9-5 and going full time with coaching). It’s also still doable within the other time constraints and obligations I have with work and family currently.
Question 4 – Relevant
Your goals need to mean something to you, and fit your current situation. Don’t ever piggy back on someone else’s goal because it’s popular or “in”. Make sure it’s relevant for you right now, regardless of anyone else.
Sarah’s Double Down Goal: If you’ve spent any time with me in the last year, you’ve learned that coaching sets my heart on fire – and it’s what I want to be doing for the next season of my life. ✔
Question 5 – Time Bound
Lastly, do you have a goal end date? A goal of losing 10 pounds could go on for way too long! Give yourself a date to stick to.
Sarah’s Double Down Goal: I’ve got a date on there; mid-way through the year. 7/1/21 ✔
Of course, I’m going to keep you updated on this journey every few months with behind the scenes info on my progress. I predict that there will be good news, and there will be moments of disappointment. There will likely be flexing and adjusting as I learn and grow through this process. Without a doubt, bringing you with me helps to hold me accountable, and will demonstrate to you nitty gritty details of the business of achieving your goals.
Speaking of flexing and adjusting – are you ready to hear the results of our 2020 BIG ‘tiny house’ goal?
Furthermore-are YOU ready to start your goal planning for 2021? Don’t worry, I’ve got you! Download this free Goal Planner worksheet to get you started.
Happy New Year!

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